Dr Emma Milne interviews Professor Pam Davies

In this session, Dr Emma Milne interviews Professor Pam Davies about her journey through researching gender, crime, harm and justice. Pam reflects on those who have influenced her career, with the most comprehensive ‘who’s who’ of criminology emerging as a result! She also speaks about the importance of connecting with others through research and problem solving.


Professor Pam Davies is Vice President of the British Society of Criminology and former Chair of the Victims Network. Pam’s research interests coalesce around gender, crime, harm, victimization and justice. She combines her interest in victimology and social harm with a critical/feminist infused approach. In adopting this perspective, she has explored a range of contemporary social problems – both visible and hidden. She has recently applied her analysis of how gender mediates life experiences continues to provoke new areas of inquiry, and is working with colleagues on ‘gendering green criminology’.

Dr Emma Milne is an Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice at Durham University. Emma’s research focuses on attitudes and perspectives held by legal professionals (solicitors, barristers, prosecutors, and judges) in relation to criminal law and criminal justice responses to women suspected of killing newborn children or harming foetuses. She is the author of Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the Failed Mother (2021, Emerald)

Selected links:

Davies, P. 2012. ‘Me’, ‘Me’, ‘Me’: The Use of the First Person in Academic Writing and Some Reflections on Subjective Analyses of Personal Experiences, Sociology, 46(4): 744-752.

BSC Victims Network

Francis Heidensohn’s book, Women and Crime (free to download from the publisher’s website)
